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Melinda N., 59 yrs, Switchboard Operator/Emergency Dispatcher, Mother of 2, Arkansas USA


What made you reach out to Tinnitus Therapy Online?

My quality of life had diminished greatly because of the severity of my tinnitus, and anxiety/depression had really gotten its grip on me. I felt pretty hopeless and powerless, as I had tried every avenue available to me to try to improve my condition... but it was to no avail — and I had spent thousands of dollars doing so.

What problems were you trying to solve with the 12-week Program? 

Getting my quality of my life back by learning techniques that would help lower or even eliminate my severe tinnitus, which would then, in turn, help conquer my anxiety and depression.

What made Tinnitus Therapy Online’s services stand out from other options? 

Marie-Chantal uses a holistic approach that is uniquely tailored to each individual.

She understands that using a “cookie-cutter” approach on all of her tinnitus clients won’t work because each person reacts to his/her tinnitus differently and has underlying struggles and lifestyle habits that are unique to that person.

Most importantly, she teaches that you can go to all of the health practitioners you wish to help your tinnitus via adjustments, surgeries, massages, pills, etc., but until you learn to manage the stressors in your life (act instead of react), transform your negative ”self-talk” into positive self-talk, and develop healthy lifestyle habits, the inflammation and stress that triggers tinnitus will always return and keep the tinnitus loop going.

What features did you like about Tinnitus Therapy? 

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy opened my eyes to that fact that I am not powerless over this beast, Tinnitus. There are many things I can do to get better, and ultimately all I have to depend on to stay on the road to recovery is ME.

I feel more empowered and have an overall sense of well-being because I’m changing my lifestyle patterns. I am also changing my self-talk to a more positive language, which is helping my self-love grow stronger.

I know now that I don’t need a “pill” to get better. I can get better mentally as I learn to act rather than react; learn to be kind to myself with my self talk; start treating my body, mind, and soul better on a daily basis; and stop thinking of myself as the “emotionally abandoned child.” I can mother and nurture myself now! 

Are you the same person now, compared to before the 12-week Program?

No. I am learning how to act instead of react to stressful situations. I am changing my self-abusive self-talk. I am also learning that not everyone is going to like me in this life (I have been a people pleaser my entire life), and that’s OK!

What impact is your tinnitus having on you

& your life now compared to before the program? 

Before the program my tinnitus was a 10 out of 10.

After the program, my tinnitus is about a 5 out of 10.

The Program taught me how to achieve a healthier lifestyle,

better sleep, lower anxiety, and slowly learn to habituate.

Have loved ones/friends noticed an improvement in you?

Yes. I’ve been told that “I can tell your ears are better.

You seem better and don’t talk about it as much.”

What about Tinnitus Therapy Online surprised you the most? 

I really didn’t know Marie-Chantal's approach was Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy/Neuroplasticity based.

I thought we would be working together on what doctor

should go to next, when in fact, I was taught how to become

my own “healer.” 

Would you recommend the 12-week Program to others? 

Absolutely. Marie-Chantal is very gifted, intelligent

and uses amazing techniques!


If so, what type of people would you recommend this program for? 

ALL people could benefit from her holistic, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-healing approach. Not just tinnitus sufferers.


What is your greatest learning and benefit from the program? 

That I have the power to heal myself. I now feel empowered instead of hopeless.

Marie-Chantal, Don’t go anywhere! ❤️

Melinda N. 

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