Mary P., 45 yrs, Mother of 3 children - Melbourne, Australia
What made you reach out to Tinnitus Therapy Online?
To give you an idea of what my life was like after my tinnitus diagnosis I would have to say "HELL."
I was so distressed with catastrophic thoughts, my anxiety was extremely high, panic attacks were regular (at my worst 25 attacks a day), and I had lost hope crying everyday, I literally felt like I was losing my sanity.
I reached out to Marie-Chantal to get help with my tinnitus. How I perceived and reacted to the sounds in my head my anxiety and distress towards my tinnitus.
What made you select Tinnitus Therapy Online’s Services?
Marie-Chantal was recommended to me through word-of-mouth.
What made Tinnitus Therapy Online’s Program stand out was that Marie-Chantal's therapy gave me a sense of hope that there is "Light " at the end of the tunnel. Marie was always on standby answering any concerns or questions I had, she was very supportive and caring, I wasn't just a number.
She would give me reassurance that things I was feeling were "normal " this helped me immensely.
I felt safe and never alone as I knew I could text, call or send an email to Marie-Chantal anytime and voice my concerns. She was always happy to respond.
What features did you like about Tinnitus Therapy?
The best features I liked was the fact that I would talk to Marie-Chantal weekly and I could always refer back to her online educational membership platform for reassurance and guidance. I also liked the guided meditations and breathing exercises she introduced me to.
Marie-Chantal was a breath of fresh air in my darkest of days, her weekly mantras were very helpful too. Being able to engage with someone who has so much knowledge on tinnitus is reassuring. It’s a sense of relief having someone in your corner rather than trying to figure it out alone.
What have you been able to achieve by following the program?
I no longer see tinnitus as a threat or distress. The catastrophic thinking has diminished.
I feel a lot more calm and at ease. My anxiety is more manageable and I can’t remember the last time I had a panic attack.
I have a lot more gratitude towards life and take time out for myself daily, something I never did in the past.
I also no longer google my symptoms, I have managed to stay clear of groups on Facebook that don't serve my mental health.
What type of physical and mental health benefits have you seen from using the Tinnitus Therapy program?
I feel a lot calmer not stressed. I no longer hide in my room and cry. I feel like life is worth living.
I enjoy my walks especially in the sunshine, my anxiety is more manageable I look at situations differently now days and feeling more positive. I eat better and take care of my mind and body more frequently now days. I no longer take things for granted.
Are you the same person NOW, compared to BEFORE the Tinnitus Therapy program?
Definitely NOT. The impact Marie-Chantal has had in my life towards my tinnitus is just amazing. I honestly thought I would never be able to live with it.
I feel like I have a new lease on life, I no longer feel like I'm just "existing" in this world. I feel like for the first time in my life I have " control " over my body and emotions.
What impact is your tinnitus having on you & your life NOW compared to BEFORE the program?
The tinnitus now has very little impact. With Marie-Chantal’s guidance, I have learnt to manage my tinnitus, it no longer bothers me like it did. I have learnt ways to ignore it and not feel threatened and controlled by it.
As for my mental health issues and tinnitus, I feel so much more positive about living and managing my emotions towards my tinnitus. I feel more in control of my mental health.
Have loved ones/friends noticed an improvement in you?
Definitely YES! I no longer discuss tinnitus. I'm not so moody and snappy and sad. I make conversation, I laugh a lot more now days 😊
What has exceeded your expectations in the Tinnitus Therapy program?
The loyalty and respect. Marie-Chantal has so many clients I'm sure, but when she talks her focus is beyond anything I have experienced in the past, it’s like she understands me completely she makes me feel very comfortable and important, that I truly matter.
Also the fact that Marie-Chantal is completely honest and doesn't sugar coat anything.
Her quick replies to my concerns, I never felt alone, as well as the content she would promise to email I always received correspondence promptly.
I feel Marie-Chantal takes a more personal approach, I'm not just another "client". No one has ever gone to the lengths she has for me, shows me how passionate she is about her work and helping others.
Would you recommend Tinnitus Therapy Online to others?
I would absolutely 100% recommend Marie-Chantal’s services to others with tinnitus distress.
The Tinnitus Therapy 12-week Program is amazing, and I'm kind of sad it has come to an end.
What is your GREATEST learning and BENEFIT from the program?
My greatest learning from the program is to listen to my body and mind and not react with fear and uncertainty, also that feelings are "NORMAL" not to analyze.
That tinnitus is a blessing in so many ways it has helped me manage and navigate through my anxiety, something I probably would not have done otherwise.
Marie-Chantal has made me see things from a different perspective, and there's nothing to be afraid of.
She has brought me out of my comfort zone and taught me valuable lessons on healing, she has taught me gratitude and how blessed my life really is even amongst grief. That I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
I would like to thank Marie-Chantal for helping me on my healing journey, she will never truly know the impact she had on my life and I will be forever grateful to her.
Mary P.