How can thoughts literally become matter within our body?
Thoughts Do Matter.
Thoughts = Matter.
Your thoughts produce chemical reactions in your brain within milliseconds.
Faster than it took for you to process what I’ve just said here, much quicker than it took for you to read this sentence, or look at this page or blink!
It makes sense then, that our thoughts have some effect in our physical body.
We can literally make ourselves sick or make ourselves well, by changing our internal state.
Have a look at your unconscious scripts, how you speak to yourself, your ‘autopilot’ and ponder on what you are choosing for yourself at every moment.
All these moments accumulate to a physical outcome, whether you like it or not. That’s the neuroscience of it. You can’t fight it, it’s a scientific fact of life.
Thoughts have a physical consequence, positive or negative. Your choice. Your will.
Remember to Think Wisely! (Hot tip: CBT can help you with this).
Marie-Chantal x