EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION is found to be the strongest predictor of tinnitus prevalence and severity in both women and men. The relationship between tinnitus severity and emotional exhaustion was highly significant even when controlling for variables such as hearing loss.
Acute Stress Induces Hyperacusis in people with high levels of Emotional Exhaustion.
It's been researched, proven, published, BUT rarely spoken about as general knowledge.
That’s why I’m speaking about it here. You need to know this.
That’s why it’s one of the major questions I delve into when taking a client's case history.
That’s why I teach people how to support their ENTIRE neurological physiology, psychology, and surrounding environment not just their auditory system.
I see these cases ALL. THE. TIME.
Emotional Exhaustion has become a common issue, globally.
The percentage of people who contact me for assistance and brush off emotional exhaustion as a potential causative factor and/or trigger is astounding.
Probably 99% of the tinnitus/hyperacusis/misophonia population are in absolute denial that their exhaustion and/or chronic stress could even potentially manifest in an auditory symptom.
That's why you see people booking multiple hearing tests, MRIs, ENTs, Practitioners all showing normal results and are left in a state of PANIC. Then they repeat the cycle thinking a 3rd or 7th diagnostic test, might show something different. It rarely does.
What does this mean?
It means it makes my job MUCH more difficult, because I need to start from ground zero and get the person onboard with realising that emotional exhaustion must be addressed as well, in order to see improvements in their symptoms.
It means that if the affected person decides to ignore this fact their recovery progress will be much slower or non-existent. They choose to take the harder road.
My message here is this:
1. Hyperacusis, tinnitus and misophonia are rarely a 1+1 = 2 formulation.
2. Hyperacusis, tinnitus and misophonia are rarely JUST auditory issues.
3. Hyperacusis, tinnitus and misophonia are commonly a COMBINATION of issues all rolled into one, manifesting in an auditory symptom.
4. And YES! EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION CAN CAUSE AND/OR INFLUENCE hyperacusis, tinnitus and misophonia.
Embrace integrative science, and have a proper plan of action. That is your solution.
In wellness,
Marie-Chantal Moll-Vignes | BSc (Psy), MClinAud, MAudA (CCP)
Senior Clinical Audiologist & Tinnitus Specialist